Winter Lawn Care Tips to Help Prevent Spring and Summer Bugs

Oriental roaches

Winter preparation is essential to controlling and preventing pests in the spring and summer. If pests are left unchecked, they will start to deteriorate your yard causing brown spots, dead grass patches, wilting blades, and damage to the roots.Various types of pests, such as ticks, will enter a dormant period and over-winter in your yard while becoming active again anytime the temperatures rise above freezing. While there are several springtime pest prevention tips, to get a head start on protecting your yard and home before the warmer temperatures, here are some tips for preparation.

1. Start Repairs Now

Before spring arrives and awakens the insects and spiders, be sure to check all doors and windows for cracks or holes that let light through as those places can become entry points for unwanted guests. It is important to also check the garage doors as they will allow pests to come inside and find hiding places to establish a nest.

2. Remove Standing Water or Any Sources of Leaks

After the snow and ice have melted, be sure to dump or change out any standing water in bird baths, kiddie pools, or other objects that accumulated water from the melted snow and ice. Be sure to also clean out your gutters to make sure the water drains properly. Also, check around your house to make sure nothing is leaking as insects are attracted to moisture, and if there are insects then spiders won’t be far behind.

3. Store Away All Food

Not only should you store food in airtight containers to prevent pests any access to a food source, but you should do the same to pet food and treats. If you have an indoor pet, it is necessary to keep the feeding area clean by emptying the food bowl and disposing of any food or water spills in order to prevent any pests from finding a reliable food or water source. 

4. Keep it clean

Before spring hits and brings insects that are looking for a new place to stay, start cleaning out the garage, attic, and other storage areas in your home. Swap out cardboard boxes for plastic tubs and try to keep things organized as dark, cluttered areas are perfect hiding places for spiders. Once they get established and depending on the species, eliminating spiders on your own can be dangerous and almost impossible. 

Keeping your yard clean and free of clutter is just as important as keeping your house clean. It is very important to remove any debris and clear out clutter from around the exterior foundation of any structure. Various bugs and pests build their homes in dead logs or plant material. Clearing out fallen tree branches, wilted plants, and disposing of fallen leaves or moldy wood will help deter any pests from making their home in your yard. Wood piles are a favorite hiding spot for several kinds of bugs so be sure to keep all stored firewood away from the house and only bring in what is needed.

While they do attract a variety of beneficial insects, landscaping plants around your home and garden attract unwanted pests as well. Flowers, shrubbery, dead leaves and the moisture in mulch extend an invitation to all, from rodents to tiny bugs. Ticks and other bugs will burrow down into the mulch and leaf litter to spend the winter waiting for warmer temperatures. It is recommended to keep landscape plants at least three feet away from your home to help prevent these pests from finding a path into your home. 

With warmer winters, not only will some pests still be active but your yard will still grow as well. Mowing your lawn is a vital part of keeping insects and pests from sticking around. With longer grass blades and thicker growth, bugs such as ticks can easily hide and feel comfortable. 

5. Landscape Helpers 

When deciding on the flowers, shrubs, and other plants for next year’s summer garden or landscape, consider adding in bug repellant plants. Depending on the species, these plants are able to deter a variety of harmful pests from aphids to mosquitoes while adding their splash of color and comfort. The most common bug repellant plants are Lavender, Marigold, Chrysanthemum, and Lemongrass, but there are more depending on your climate and the targeted type of pest.

Hanging bird feeders and setting up bat houses can help encourage birds and bats to stick around. Some species of both bats and birds feed upon a wide variety of insects. So if they take up residence near your home, they will be beneficial in your battle to prevent pest problems.

Professional Pest Prevention Services

Remember, any winter preparation that happens now will help to prevent spring and summer pest problems. So if you see some spiders that are dangerous to handle or need help preparing for springtime pest problems, don’t forget you don’t have to deal with it on your own. No matter the season Bug-A-Way is here and our professional teams are ready to help. If you need more information, just contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions.