Tag: Ticks

As we move into spring, with warmer weather approaching, the threat of ticks to humans and pets rises. One common question arises: How long can ticks survive without a host?Understanding Tick SurvivalTicks progress through life stages – larva, nymph, and adult – relying on blood meals. But they can also endure periods without a host, […]

Winter is often seen as a season of dormancy for many creatures. Trees shed their leaves, animals hibernate, and insects seemingly vanish. However, one persistent question lingers in the minds of those who enjoy the outdoors or have pets: Do ticks die in winter?Seasonal Tick ActivityThe short answer is no; ticks don’t necessarily die off […]

Many people who have sizable yards with a significant population of ticks consider using chickens to control their tick population. This is especially true as tick-borne diseases such as Alpha-Gal Syndrome become more common. After all, why not get rid of the ticks and get some fresh, free-range eggs out of the deal? Below, we’ll […]

If you have a tick issue and want to do something about it, you might be wondering where to turn. These pests cause itching and a range of other problems if you are not careful. They can even spread harmful diseases, so it’s vital that you never overlook a tick problem. You can try several […]