Pest Control News

Quick Answers: Do Brown Recluse Spiders Spin Webs?

The brown recluse spider, known for its elusive nature and dangerous bite, often raises questions about its behavior. One common question is whether these spiders spin webs. Let’s unravel the mystery and delve into the world of the brown recluse.Brown Recluses Stalk PreyContrary to the classic image of spiders diligently crafting intricate webs to catch […]

By Bug-A-Way

Do You Still Need Pest Control in the Wintertime?

As the temperatures drop and winter blankets the world in snow, it’s tempting to believe that pests take a hiatus during the colder months. After all, who wants to deal with creepy crawlies when you’re busy cozying up by the fireplace? However, the reality is that pest control remains just as crucial in the wintertime […]

By Bug-A-Way

Quick Answers: Do Bed Bugs Have Wings?

If you’ve ever experienced the discomfort of a bed bug infestation or just found yourself curious about these elusive creatures, you might have wondered: Do bed bugs have wings?The straightforward answer is no; bed bugs do not have wings. While their distant relatives, such as certain types of beetles, have wings, bed bugs have adapted […]

By Bug-A-Way

Quick Answers: Do Ticks Die In Winter?

Winter is often seen as a season of dormancy for many creatures. Trees shed their leaves, animals hibernate, and insects seemingly vanish. However, one persistent question lingers in the minds of those who enjoy the outdoors or have pets: Do ticks die in winter?Seasonal Tick ActivityThe short answer is no; ticks don’t necessarily die off […]

By Bug-A-Way

Quick Answers: Do Sugar Ants Bite?

Sugar ants, also known as odorous house ants, are a common household nuisance. These tiny invaders often make their way into our homes in search of food, and they seem particularly drawn to sweet treats. As they scurry across our countertops and pantry shelves, one question often comes to mind: do sugar ants bite?The short […]

By Bug-A-Way

Quick Answers: Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Light?

Mosquitoes can turn a pleasant evening into a battle against itchy bites, leading to many questions about their behavior. One common query is whether mosquitoes are attracted to light. We’ve all observed bugs swarming around light sources at night, so it’s natural to wonder if mosquitoes share the same attraction. Let’s delve into the science […]

By Bug-A-Way

Quick Answers: How Long Can Bed Bugs Live Without Food?

Bed bugs, those pesky little pests that can turn your peaceful slumber into a nightmare, have an uncanny ability to survive and thrive in various environments. One question that often plagues the minds of those dealing with these unwelcome intruders is: How long can bed bugs live without food?The Basics of Bed Bug BiologyBefore we […]

By Bug-A-Way

Quick Answers: Do Chickens Eat Ticks?

Many people who have sizable yards with a significant population of ticks consider using chickens to control their tick population. This is especially true as tick-borne diseases such as Alpha-Gal Syndrome become more common. After all, why not get rid of the ticks and get some fresh, free-range eggs out of the deal? Below, we’ll […]

By Bug-A-Way

Quick Answers: Why Are Cockroaches So Hard to Kill?

1. Resilient Exoskeleton Cockroaches have a tough exoskeleton made of chitin, a durable and flexible material. This exoskeleton provides them with excellent protection against physical threats, such as crushing or impact, making it challenging to kill them with simple methods.2. Fast Reproduction and Adaptability Cockroaches have a high reproductive rate, and their populations can grow […]

By Bug-A-Way

Termites in Kansas: A Brief Homeowner’s Guide

When it comes to discussing pests, termites often top the list. These silent invaders can cause significant damage to homes and structures if left unchecked. While termites are commonly associated with warm and humid regions, they can be found throughout the Four States, including Kansas. In this blog, we will explore the kinds of termites […]

By Bug-A-Way