Category: Bugs
Do Cockroaches Carry Disease?Cockroaches are considered to be dangerous as they are one of the most common sources of indoor allergens and asthma triggers. The enzymes found in the excrement, shedding body parts, and saliva of cockroaches cause allergic reactions in many people. Typically, when compared to adults, children are more susceptible to cockroach allergies.Cockroaches also […]
Pests will start to look for a new home as their food sources are less accessible and as they cannot adapt to the cooler weather. These pests want food, water, and shelter so If they can find these in your house, they’ll move in. It is recommended to start pest proofing your house by double-checking any possible […]
At Bug-A-Way Pest Control, we don’t merely offer services for residential housing; we serve all types of businesses and industries. Proper pest control is essential for the protection of human health and safety as well as property values. And, at Bug-A-Way, we believe in providing the businesses of the four states with the highest quality […]
The fall season is upon us, which means that it’s time to pull out the warm sweaters and put up the seasonal décor. It’s also time for some pests to be on the move. When temperatures begin to drop, pests start to search for food and shelter, making your home a tempting place for them. […]
Everybody loves ladybugs. But Ladybugs have an invasive imposter species known as the Asian Lady Beetle. So, that brings up the question, “What’s the difference between Asian lady beetles and ladybugs?” In this blog, we’ll go over some key differences between ladybugs and Asian lady beetles, so you can correctly identify the insects around your […]
If you have a tick issue and want to do something about it, you might be wondering where to turn. These pests cause itching and a range of other problems if you are not careful. They can even spread harmful diseases, so it’s vital that you never overlook a tick problem. You can try several […]
Lakehouse Pest Control and Bug Removal from Bug-A-WayIt’s finally here: summertime, the time for weekends down at the lakehouse. But when you arrive at your vacation home on the lake, you find that the insects have made themselves at home. Mosquitoes, spiders, cockroaches, wasps, and ticks are crawling around everywhere. It’s almost enough to spoil […]
Bed bugs are a painful nuisance that can be easily misidentified. If you think your home may have a bed bug infestation, it will be worth your time to read through this blog to learn more about bed bugs. Then, these little-understood pests can be identified and stopped.Bed Bugs Feed on BloodLike other pest bugs […]
Are you sick of dealing with pests in your home every year? Each season brings its own pests to the four-states region. Bug-A-Way Pest Control offers cost serving annual service programs to keep you and your property safe from pests year-round. Below we’ll discuss four reasons to consider signing up for a Pest-A-Way Plan.1. Termites […]
It’s springtime again in Joplin and that means dealing with mosquitoes. Dealing with mosquitos can be a real pain in the hind end… literally. But most likely they’ll target the back of your neck with their sharp, disease-spreading bites. For most people living in the four-states region, these bugs are considered a part of life, […]